Love Gone Wrong: Parents Who Did The Unthinkable

Photo source: Pixabay

Being a parent is no easy task, but everyone who has had a child can say that the love they have for their little one is unconditional. Of course, children can be challenging. Some days, they drive you mad. On other days, they melt your heart. And sure, mothers sometimes feel guilty when they have to discipline their little ones. Maybe in anger and frustration, they may have pulled the arm a little too hard or raised their voice a little too high, but that comes with the territory. However, the parents on this list may have gone a little too far. You may find yourself cringing at some point.

Consider this as the ultimate list of what not to do once you do have a child of your own.

Diana Lovejoy

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Diana Lovejoy had filed for divorce from her marriage to Greg Mulvihill. It was a dirty fight and the separation had been difficult. Lovejoy claimed that her ex-husband sexually abused her and molested their son. Mulvihill, on the other hand, was simply trying to rebuild his life and fix his tattered reputation, but it seemed as if it wasn’t enough for her. She and her gun instructor tried to lure him into a secluded area under the guise that they were a private investigator with evidence against Lovejoy. Then, they ambushed him and tried to kill him. Mulvihill and his friend survived the attack while she and her companion are now facing life sentences.

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