Love Gone Wrong: Parents Who Did The Unthinkable

Andrea Yates

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This was one of the most shocking murders of the century. Andrea Yates drowned all her five children in the bathtub, one after the other. Before the incident, there was no fight, no violence, or struggle within the family. According to Yates, however, it was the devil who urged her to commit this heinous act. She was convicted for all these murders, and when she pled insanity, she was transferred to a state mental facility.

Lianne Smith

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Lianne and Martin Smith were living in Spain, enjoying the relationship that they had. However, Martin was a pedophile, and clearly, he couldn’t be near her children, Daniel and Rebecca. Unfortunately, Lianne chose him over her kids and she knew that the law would take away her little ones if the state discovered his police record. So, she did what she felt was necessary – she killed them. To this day, she resides in her new home – a Spanish prison she was sentenced to live in for 34 years.

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