Love Gone Wrong: Parents Who Did The Unthinkable

Deanna Laney

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It appeared as if Deanna Laney had a picture-perfect family. She had three beautiful boys and was living in the suburbs of Texas. During her free time, Laney sang for a church choir. Yes, it was all good. However, in 2003, she decided to stone all her kids to death. The youngest one survived, but when she was asked why she did this, she said that the apocalypse was coming and she simply did what God had instructed her to do. She was jailed in a mental institution and released in 2012. However, she is still being medicated and is not allowed to have unsupervised contacts with minors.

Selfless Love?

Photo source: Pexels

These parents have committed what many would say as the most unforgivable act. They had different reasons in doing so: insanity, revenge, anger, and spite. But whatever their intentions were, they should be put behind bars, as they are a danger to society. Innocent lives were lost and it’s sad to think that these little ones had a bright future ahead of them. They certainly didn’t deserve what they got, and while many of these could have been stopped, one can only hope that these children are in a much better place, one where no one could ever hurt them again.

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