Love Gone Wrong: Parents Who Did The Unthinkable

Timothy Ray Jones Jr.

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Timoth Ray Jones’ wife reported her five kids missing when police searched for her ex-husband. He was found in Alabama days later in a police checkpoint where the cops found chemicals and other drug paraphernalia inside his car. He later led them to the bodies of the kids that were dumped in the side of the road, inside a garbage bag. Four of them were strangled while the fifth child was beaten to death. He told the investigators that he was merely saving himself because his children had planned to kill him. This was a clear case of drug-induced insanity and he is currently sitting behind bars where he has to live with his conscience.

Brenda Drayton

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Brenda Drayton was already considered mentally unstable. She had been previously hospitalized when she claimed that there were snakes inside her body. She obviously needed a lifetime’s worth of institutionalization. When she was out, she strangled her two-year old daughter, thinking she was the devil’s baby. A decade earlier, police said that her infant son had died of malnutrition and dehydration. Clearly, she was unfit to become a mother.

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