Man Learns to Love His Deformity and Conquer Perceptions

Dream Fulfilled

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Robert’s book was entitled Ugly, and it was able to distinctly detail his journey in life. While he is far from the ordinary man, readers were able to connect with his struggle. His wife, Kate, said that people from all walks of life were able to relate because at some point, everyone has felt ugly. Robert was simply there for them to inspire them, and that has made him and his story extremely successful.

Becoming Wanted

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From being the ugly baby that nobody wanted, Robert has become a successful author and motivational speaker. He has exposed the world to the wonderful fact that everyone is unique, and that alone is a beautiful thing. He wants the children of today to become more accepting and he started this goal by raising a daughter who sees beauty that’s beyond skin deep. Those who know him are in awe of the man and father he has become, with his family being the biggest cheerleaders in his life. He is the epitome of what one can achieve no matter what the limitations are. And for that, he deserves all the good that’s come his way.

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