Photos Of North Korea Kim Jong-un Doesn’t Want You To See (Part 2)

35) A prisoner of North Korea

According to, an estimated 200,000 victims of Kim Jong-un’s dictatorial rule are thought to live lives in utter wretchedness in his internment camps. “Eating a diet of mostly corn and salt they lose their teeth, their gums turn black, and their bones weaken.” In addition, most camps are situated in remote mountain valleys completely shut off from the outside world and escape is virtually impossible.

36) A man cleans a grassed portion in the city

According to Rusheel Jain in one of the discussions in Quora, “cleanliness on road has got more to do with the mindset and attitude of people than the poverty”. The North Koreans want people to think that their cities are like that—clean and tidy, and so clean to the point of emptiness and abandonment.

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