Scientists Discover A Nazi Secret Hitler Tried To Cover Up – Truth Finally Revealed

Auschwitz Concentration Camp


Auschwitz was home to more than a million Jews, as well as the place of most of their deaths. It was the biggest, as well as the most infamous. Not only was it a place where millions lost their lives, most were also forced to do labor and lived in abhorrent conditions. It was also the first camp that Anne Frank was sent to, before they transported her elsewhere. Although Auschwitz is the most known of all the concentration camps, there was another one that was smaller in scale, but just as horrendous.

Sobibor Death Camp


Like Auschwitz, Sobibor was also built in Poland, along with 4 other camps. It was built near Sobibor Village in the Lublin district. The Nazis made sure that it was close enough to the railways to get people in quickly, but far enough to keep what they were doing there a secret to most, for the most part of its years of operation. It was said to be in an area that was considered quite secluded and woodsy, which was exactly what they wanted.

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