Ways To Treat And Manage ADHD

Medication – Non-Stimulants


Non-stimulants were first approved for treating ADHD in 2003 and although they are not fast-acting like stimulants, their effect can last up to 24 hours. They work by increasing the levels of a chemical called noradrenaline or norepinephrine in the brain, which is thought to help with attention and memory.

Doctors consider administering nonstimulant medications when stimulants don’t work or causes side effects that are hard to handle. These drugs include Atomoxetine (Strattera) and Guanfacine (Tenex). However, guanfacine should not be given to adults.

Some side effects are stomach aches, trouble sleeping, dizziness, headaches, irritability, fatigue, and dry mouth, with adults also experiencing erectile dysfunction, painful menstruation, and hot flashes. The more serious side effects may be seizures and suicidal tendencies.

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