Woman With Brain Cancer Ended Her Own Life – Considered A Hero

Positive, But More Negative, Reactions

Source: http://i2.cdn.cnn.com
Source: http://i.huffpost.com

It would seem that people were so perturbed by her decision, mostly because she didn’t fit the ‘regular’ description of others who chose to end their lives. According to a few of those reacting to her decision, they shared that Brittany was “young, vivacious, attractive… and a very different kind of person,” not the usual ‘older’ person choosing to die. Even other people who were terminally ill as well, chastised her for her choice, like Maggie Karner, another woman diagnosed with the exact same disease as Brittany.

The ‘New Face’ For Assisted Dying

Source: http://ghk.h-cdn.co

In spite of all the negative reactions she was receiving, Brittany continued to pursue her cause in order to help others later on, praying that they would be able to choose for themselves. Marcia Angelia, the former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, claimed that Brittany was now the ‘new face’ of the assisted dying movement, who had “greatly helped future patients who want the same choice.”

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