15-Year Old Took Life Of 9-Year Old To ‘Know What It Feels Like’

Sealing Her Fate

Source: http://www.muddymayhem.co.uk/

According to Sgt. Rice as Alyssa led them to the body, “She knew exactly where it was, led us directly to it. It was not well covered. Once she pointed out the area, and you looked a little bit closer, you could see that she was only a few inches, if that, under the ground, and you could see body parts that came up covered with mud. It’s a pretty horrifying homicide.”

A Community In Shock

Source: https://i.ytimg.com/

The news that 15-year old Alyssa was at fault for the death of 9-year old Elizabeth came as a complete and utter shock to their community. Considering that their town was known to only have around three thousand residents, nobody could believe that she was actually the one at fault. How could a teenage girl do something so incredibly abominable, not only to someone she knew, but at such a young age to someone only a few years younger than her.

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