15-Year Old Took Life Of 9-Year Old To ‘Know What It Feels Like’

Looking Into Alyssa Bustamante

Source: https://unfassbar.es/

It would seem that Alyssa and Elizabeth were neighbors, and oftentimes, Elizabeth would also play with Alyssa’s younger 6-year old half-sister. During the search, police checked on the kids in the community, and it would seem that Alyssa was the only one who was absent from school the day after Elizabeth went missing. This also prompted them to look further into the obviously disquieted world of Alyssa Bustamante, and what they would find on her social media pages would surprise, and even scare them.

Asking Her About That Day

Source: https://khms0.googleapis.com/

They decided to directly ask Alyssa about the day that Elizabeth went missing. According to Sgt. Rice, “She admitted that she skipped school that day. She was aware law enforcement couldn’t find this girl, but stated she knew nothing about it whatsoever.” But they would also bring Alyssa into the woods, where she had admitted that she ‘liked to dig up holes’ to bury dead animals in. But at the time, not only did Alyssa not tell them what she had done, those that were searching still hadn’t found Elizabeth’s body, which was buried just nearby.

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