15-Year Old Took Life Of 9-Year Old To ‘Know What It Feels Like’

She Tried To Kill Herself

Source: https://i.ytimg.com/

At such a young age, Alyssa had already attempted to commit suicide in 2007 when she was just 13-years old. This is when she would be made to see a psychiatrist who decided to put her on antidepressants. But her strange and disturbing personality was still something to be worried about. And she had the social media accounts to prove it.

Her Social Media Sites

Source: http://images.gawker.com/

Apparently, Alyssa had a YouTube page that spoke about things that were incredibly creepy. She had listed ‘killing people’ and ‘cutting’ as some of her hobbies, even telling her former best friend on her 15th birthday party that she wanted to know ‘how it felt like to kill someone.’ She had even video taped a time when she forced her younger brothers to touch an electrified net, obviously taking pleasure in their pain by announcing, “Here it is where it gets interesting; my brothers get hurt.” Then on her Twitter account, she had also spoken about ‘terror’ and ‘addiction,’ with one actual tweet saying, “This is all I want in life; a reason for all this pain.’

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