15-Year Old Took Life Of 9-Year Old To ‘Know What It Feels Like’

The Charges Against Her

Source: https://i.guim.co.uk/

Alyssa was not only ‘arrested on charges of first-degree murder,’ but because of the facts that surrounded her trial, the judge decided that she would be ‘tried as an adult.’ It also made more sense when they heard that she had killed the innocent Elizabeth because ‘she wanted to feel what it was like to kill someone.’ It was obvious to most that what she had done was not “child’s play,” in fact, it was something much more sinister.

Being Held In Prison

Source: https://www.rts.ch/

While waiting for her trial to actually take place, which would be all the way in 2012, when she turned 18, Alyssa was required to stay behind bars the entire time. And while she was there, she was even put on ‘suicide watch,’ since she was continuously cutting herself while in prison using her own nails.

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