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Things Would Change Quite Fast

Source: https://unvarnishedmomdotcom

His happiness would slowly ebb as he became unhappy living with his mom and stepdad. He didn’t have a good relationship with his stepfather, and soon enough his destructive behavior began to slowly show itself once again. His mom had shared that the older he got, the harder he was to deal with. In fact, he destroyed furniture, killed his goldfish with Clorox, flooded the house and even stabbed a girl in the leg with a pair of scissors for making fun of him.

Not Being Able To Control Him Any Longer

Source: https://www.astraightarrow.net

His cruelty towards animals also grew. Not only did he kill his goldfish with cleaning products, but he also shot a dog with a BB gun and continued to show other forms of behavioral issues. His mom attempted to make him go to therapy for his anger issues, but it only made things worse. At just 9-years of age, he was described with words like “explosive” and “preoccupied with sexual content.” Despite spending more than 3 months in a mental hospital, it didn’t seem to do anything for him at all. In fact, it probably made things much worse.

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