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He Commits His First ‘Real’ Crime

Source: http://whns.images.worldnow.com

At the age of 15, Todd ended up committing the first of his horrendous crimes. On November 25, 1986, he kidnapped a young 14-year old girl by threatening her with a .22 Caliber gun, and forcing her to go back with him to his house. Knowing his father was hardly around, he took her home, taped her mouth closed, tied her up and proceeded to rape her. He then walked her home, threatening to hurt her other family members if she told anyone. Thankfully, she had the guts to report what he did to her to the police.

Getting Caught

Source: https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com

After he was caught, he was charged with ‘kidnapping, sexual assault and committing a dangerous crime against children.’ At just 15 years of age, he became a registered sex offender, and was even pronounced to have a borderline personality disorder, which meant that he was moody, angry and had many major behavioral issues. The judge in his case described him as “behaviorally and emotionally dangerous,” also sharing that Todd would most probably never get rehabilitated.

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