34 Causes Of Stomach Pain That People Should Know About

12. Hepatitis A

Source: https://media.graytvinc.com

The swelling or inflammation of the liver is called Hepatitis and is usually the result of being infected by a virus. There are different kinds of viruses that cause the different kinds of Hepatitis infections that affect the liver. Knowing the characteristics of each type will help dictate what treatment is to be given to the patient.

Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus and is spread through the ingestion of food and water contaminated with the feces of an infected person. Unsanitary food preparation, poor personal hygiene and improper disposal of human waste are the known major causes of its spread. Hepatitis A causes a variety of symptoms which include pain in the right upper portion of the abdomen, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, grayish stool, dark colored urine, joint pains and yellowing of the skin.

Vaccines are available to prevent one from getting sick with Hepatitis A.

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