Marine Wife Sent Text Message ‘Help’ Before She Mysteriously Vanished

Lopez Claims She’s Just A Patsy


Lopez’s lawyer, on the other hand, stated the “slave” was simply used as a scapegoat. She was the perfect pawn because she was prepared to do whatever Perez and Maraglino asked of her. She claimed she was just a patsy, and the other two defendants made her write the letter, but she did not kill Brittany. The lawyer also told the jury that Lopez had been at work the entire day on the 13th of April 2012, so she was not involved in plans to abduct Brittany or any related discussions made earlier in the day. The suicide note that served as a confession to the murder was declared false and inaccurate. Instead, there was strong evidence that Lopez strictly adhered to her role as a slave and would do everything she was asked to do to protect her master and mistress.

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