Toys That You Won’t Believe Are Meant For Kids

Magic Potty Baby

Source: Screenshot from

Little girls really have a true obsession for baby dolls, and what little girls like, toy companies make. This particular Magic Potty Baby was made specifically to show the magic of… well, in lack of a better explanation, going to the loo. The doll would sit on the plastic potty, which would then fill up with violently yellow ‘urine,’ then you’d be tasked to flush it down the toilet. You’d think that if little girls wanted to see this they’d just use the potty themselves. Crazily enough though, Tyco toy company made a ton of money selling these.

 Socker Boppers


Like the tagline suggests, Socker Boppers are “more fun than a pillow fight!” They are basically a bunch of semi-cushioned hand toys that are meant for kids to use just like a pair of boxing gloves. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, right? And this is the one game that promotes exactly that. Why else would the name have both ‘sock’ and ‘bop’ in it?

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