Toys That You Won’t Believe Are Meant For Kids

Call Of Duty Totenkopf Division


While the very popular Call of Duty game was created as a video game, which allows the player to shoot at his or her enemies, the game has grown into an entire franchise, with different themes as well. One particular theme was WWII, with the Totenkopf Division having it’s own figurine of a Nazi officer. So one can only imagine how much a field day people had with this one. Most parents probably wouldn’t want their kids playing with a toy that translated meant “Death’s Head” anyway, or really any toy that could poke fun at the death of 6 million Jews.

Moon Shoes


Since NASA put a man on the moon, kids everywhere have dreamt about what it would be like to walk on it, just like Neil Armstrong. So when the Moon Shoes toy was created, they were meant to mimic what it would possibly feel like to actually walk on the Earth’s night light. What they got instead was a lot of broken bones, bruises and cuts everywhere. And even if they were dreamt of in the 50s, sold mostly in the 90s, they were finally taken off the market and never took off again.

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