40 Disturbing Attacks That Will Make You Never Want To Go Back To The Zoo

14. Suicide by lion attack

Photo source: zoo.org.au

What’s the fastest way to take your own life? Definitely not allowing yourself to be mauled by lions. That takes longer. And it’s more painful, too. At a zoo in Chile, 20-year old Franco Luis Ferrada Roman climbed into a lion’s enclosure and provoked its occupants. His motives were initially unknown but was later found out to be a deliberate attempt to commit suicide, as determined from a note found in his clothes which told about the impending apocalypse.



He stripped his clothes off upon entering and allowed the lions to pounce on him without flinching. Without hesitating, the lions instantly attacked him. Roman sustained severe bite wounds all over his body. But despite the vicious attack, he miraculously survived. The lions, however, had to be shot by the police.

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