40 Disturbing Attacks That Will Make You Never Want To Go Back To The Zoo

4. Tatiana the Siberian Tiger killed a 17-year-old man

Photo source: Flickr.com 

Tigers are the biggest member in the cat family. They are some of the more ferocious, too. Tatiana the female Siberian tiger of the San Francisco zoo was an aggressive resident, who had been reported to have attacked and caused injuries to some visitors. One day, the animal managed to escape by scaling the six-meter high wall, which was actually four feet lower than the recommended standard, a violation that authorities are now focusing on to ensure that zoos all over the state strictly follow regulations. Experts speculated that Tatiana would not have attempted to escape had she not been provoked.



She proceeded to attack Kulbir Dhaliwal and turned to another man named Carlos Sousa, 17 years old, who was killed in the incident. When Kulbir managed to escape with his younger brother Paul, the tiger was able to follow them through the trail of blood left by the injured older Dhaliwal. Trapped in a zoo café, the animal proceeded to attack Paul this time. Police officers were able to save Paul and his older brother Kulbir by killing the tiger with a gun shot.

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