40 Disturbing Attacks That Will Make You Never Want To Go Back To The Zoo

2. Binky the polar bear tried to drag a person into his cage.

Photo source: TravelingWithTheJones.com

Binky, the polar bear, was one of the most famous attractions at a zoo in Alaska. Most visitors would make sure to pay the animal a visit and stare at its sheer majesty. But the bear wasn’t so friendly to some visitors. In fact, it had caused harm to zoo visitors on at least two separate incidents. On one instance, he and another polar bear took turns in biting a man who intruded their enclosure. On another, he tried to drag a woman to his cage. The woman came dangerously close to the fence which stood between her and the beast.



She was moving closer to the fence as she was attempting to get a better angle for a photograph with the animal. When she was close enough, the hungry bear stuck its paws through the bars and grabbed the woman, dragging her even closer to where it could bite her in one of her legs with its mighty jaws. The woman fought back, but her attempts were futile. It took several men to and a few minutes to get the agitated bear to let go of the poor woman. She suffered severe bite wounds in her left leg and lost an incredible amount of blood.

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