Never Before Seen Titanic Images: Secrets Uncovered 100 Years Ago

Café Society

The image shows Café Parisien inside Titanic. It was said that the ship was stocked with tons of food and drink including 40,000 fresh eggs and 15,000 bottles of ale and 1,000 bottles of wine consumed aboard.  One can just imagine the decadence that transpired during the Titanic’s voyage to New York.  It is a scene right out of café society with first class passengers enjoying the finer things in life in full regalia.  What a way to end a beautiful existence, right!? In its tragic end, many of the era’s most prominent and wealthiest families lost members during the sinking of the Titanic.  The glamour associated with the ship and its well-healed passengers magnified the tragedy of the sinking.

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